
catalogs.load_trexolists(grouped=False, trexo_file=None)

Get the data from the trexolists.csv file. Note that trexolists know targets by their host star, not by individual planets in a given system.


Name Type Description Default
grouped - If False, return the a dictionary where each item contains a 1D list for each individual program. - If True, return list for each individual host, where each entry contains a dictionary of 1D lists of all programs for the target. False
trexo_file If None, extract data from default Gen TSO location. Otherwise, a path to a trexolists.csv file. None


>>> import gen_tso.catalogs as cat
>>> # Get data as lists of individual programs:
>>> trexo = cat.load_trexolists()
>>> print(trexo['target'])
['L 168-9' 'HAT-P-14' 'WASP-80' 'WASP-80' 'WASP-69' 'GJ 436' ...]
>>> print(list(trexo))
['target', 'trexo_name', 'program', 'ra', 'dec', 'event', 'mode', 'subarray', 'readout', 'groups', 'phase_start', 'phase_end', 'duration', 'date_start', 'plan_window', 'proprietary_period', 'status']
>>> # Get data as lists of (host) targets:
>>> trexo = cat.load_trexolists(grouped=True)
>>> trexo[19]
{'target': array(['WASP-43', 'WASP-43'], dtype='<U23'),
'trexo_name': array(['WASP-43', 'WASP-43'], dtype='<U23'),
'program': array(['GTO 1224 Birkmann', 'ERS 1366 Batalha'], dtype='<U22'),
'ra': array(['10:19:37.9634', '10:19:37.9649'], dtype='<U13'),
'dec': array(['-09:48:23.21', '-09:48:23.19'], dtype='<U12'),
'event': array(['phase', 'phase'], dtype='<U9'),
'mode': array(['NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H', 'MIRI LRS'], dtype='<U20'),
'subarray': array(['SUB2048', 'SLITLESSPRISM'], dtype='<U13'),
'readout': array(['NRSRAPID', 'FASTR1'], dtype='<U8'),
'groups': array([20, 64]),
'phase_start': array([0.18394, 0.13912]),
'phase_end': array([0.20955, 0.16473]),
'duration': array([28.57, 31.82]),
'date_start': array([datetime.datetime(2023, 5, 14, 9, 3, 30),
       datetime.datetime(2022, 11, 30, 23, 36, 1)], dtype=object),
'plan_window': array(['X', 'X'], dtype='<U21'),
'proprietary_period': array([12,  0]),
'status': array(['Archived', 'Archived'], dtype='<U14'),
'truncated_ra': array('10:19', dtype='<U5'),
'truncated_dec': array('-09:48', dtype='<U6')}
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