Display JWST programs

Lets use Gen TSO to show the list existing JWST programs:

  1. parsed by target
  2. excluding failed runs
import gen_tso.catalogs as cat

catalog = cat.Catalog()
host = ''
info = {}
nplanets = len(catalog.targets)
for target in catalog.targets:
    has_transits = (
        target.is_jwst and
        target.is_transiting and
        'transit' in target.trexo_data['event']

    if has_transits:
        obs = target.trexo_data
        programs = obs['program']
        events = obs['event']
        status = obs['status']
        mode = obs['mode']
        nobs = len(events)
        info[target.host] = [
            f"    {programs[i]:24}  {mode[i]:20}  {status[i]}"
            for i in range(nobs)
            if events[i] == 'transit'
            if status[i] not in ['Skipped', 'Failed', 'Withdrawn']

for key, observations in info.items():
    for obs in observations:
WARNING: Failed to load Vega spectrum from /grp/redcat/trds/calspec/alpha_lyr_stis_010.fits; Functionality involving Vega will be cripped: FileNotFoundError(2, 'No such file or directory') [stsynphot.spectrum]

~~~  WARNING  ~~~
   Something went wrong with pandeia.engine.
   Check that all databases are correctly installed:
~~~  WARNING  ~~~

AU Mic:
    GO 5311 Feinstein         NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Implementation
    GO 5311 Feinstein         NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Implementation
    GO 5311 Feinstein         NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Implementation
    GO 5311 Feinstein         NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Implementation

GJ 1132:
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived

GJ 1214:
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

GJ 3090:
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

GJ 3470:
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GTO 4536 Greene           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation

GJ 357:
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

GJ 367:
    GO 2508 Zhang             MIRI LRS              Archived

GJ 486:
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 5866 MacDonald         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5866 MacDonald         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5866 MacDonald         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation

GJ 9827:
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2950 Waters            MIRI LRS              Implementation
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation

    GO 2950 Waters            MIRI LRS              Implementation
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    GTO 1281 Lagage           MIRI LRS              Archived
    GTO 1281 Lagage           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
    GTO 1281 Lagage           NIRISS SOSS           Archived

    COM 1118 Proffitt         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    COM 1442 Schlawin         NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    COM 1541 Espinoza         NIRISS SOSS           Archived

    COM 2734 Pontoppidan      NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 5844 Radica            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Implementation
    GO 5844 Radica            MIRI LRS              Implementation

    GTO 1177 Greene           MIRI LRS              Archived
    GTO 1312 Lewis            NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1312 Lewis            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 3838 Kirk              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    GO 3969 Espinoza          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3969 Espinoza          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 2594 Spake             NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
    GO 2594 Spake             NIRISS SOSS           Archived

    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

HD 106315:
    GO 2950 Waters            MIRI LRS              Archived

HD 149026:
    GTO 1274 Lunine           NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    GTO 1274 Lunine           NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Archived

HD 15337:
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

HD 189733:
    GO 1633 Deming            MIRI MRS              Archived
    GO 1633 Deming            MIRI MRS              Archived
    GO 1633 Deming            MIRI MRS              Archived
    GO 1633 Deming            NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    GO 1633 Deming            NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Archived
    GO 2001 Min               MIRI LRS              Archived

HD 207496:
    GO 6284 Coy               NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Implementation
    GO 6284 Coy               NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Implementation

HD 209458:
    GTO 1274 Lunine           NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    GTO 1274 Lunine           NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Archived
    GO 2667 Wakeford          MIRI LRS              Archived

HIP 67522:
    GO 2498 Mann              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 2159 Espinoza          NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 2372 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G235H    Archived
    GO 2372 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G235H    Implementation
    GO 2372 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2372 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    FlightReady
    GO 2372 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 2372 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 2722 Madhusudhan       NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2722 Madhusudhan       MIRI LRS              Archived
    GO 2722 Madhusudhan       NIRISS SOSS           Archived

    GO 3315 Wright            MIRI LRS              Archived


    GO 3838 Kirk              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    GO 3969 Espinoza          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3969 Espinoza          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 2454 Gao               NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

L 168-9:
    COM 1033 Kendrew          MIRI LRS              Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

L 98-59:
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1224 Birkmann         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3942 Damiano           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3942 Damiano           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3942 Damiano           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3942 Damiano           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

LHS 1140:
    GO 2334 Damiano           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2334 Damiano           NIRSPEC BOTS+G235H    Archived
    DD 6543 Cadieux           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    DD 6543 Cadieux           NIRISS SOSS           Archived

LHS 475:
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Collecting
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

LP 791-18:
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

LTT 1445 A:
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation

LTT 3780:
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       MIRI LRS              FlightReady

    GO 3838 Kirk              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       MIRI LRS              FlightReady

    GO 4126 Fisher            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    FlightReady
    GO 4126 Fisher            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    FlightReady

    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       MIRI LRS              Archived

    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady
    GO 4195 Fisher            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 4195 Fisher            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 4195 Fisher            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 4195 Fisher            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 2319 Hooton            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
    GO 2319 Hooton            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
    GO 2319 Hooton            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived

    GO 4227 Claringbold       NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    FlightReady

    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation

    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GTO 2759 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 3557 Madhusudhan       MIRI LRS              Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 4098 Benneke           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 3731 Jordan            NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 5799 Garcia            NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5799 Garcia            NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5799 Garcia            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5863 Murray            NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5863 Murray            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Implementation
    GO 5863 Murray            NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5863 Murray            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Implementation

TOI-3984 A:
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 5894 Kunimoto          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Implementation
    GO 5894 Kunimoto          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Implementation
    GO 5894 Kunimoto          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Implementation

    GO 1935 Kempton           NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 1935 Kempton           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived

TOI-4336 A:
    GO 4711 Hu                NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 4711 Hu                NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation

    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation

    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

TOI-5293 A:
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 3171 Kanodia           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 6193 Pass              NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 6193 Pass              NIRISS SOSS           Implementation

    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2512 Batalha           NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GTO 1331 Lewis            NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GTO 1331 Lewis            NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GTO 1331 Lewis            NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GTO 1331 Lewis            NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 1981 Stevenson         NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2420 Rathcke           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2420 Rathcke           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2420 Rathcke           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2420 Rathcke           NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2589 Lim               NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2589 Lim               NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2589 Lim               NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2589 Lim               NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2589 Lim               NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2589 Lim               NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived

    GO 3838 Kirk              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

V1298 Tau:
    GO 2149 Desert            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 2149 Desert            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation
    GO 5959 Feinstein         NIRISS SOSS           Implementation

    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
    GTO 1224 Birkmann         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GTO 1280 Lagage           MIRI LRS              Archived

    GO 5924 Sing              NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Implementation

    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2437 Pelletier         NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 3838 Kirk              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived


    GO 2062 Mayo              NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 2062 Mayo              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived

    GTO 1353 Lewis            NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GTO 1353 Lewis            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GTO 1353 Lewis            MIRI LRS              Archived

    GO 2055 Lothringer        NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived


    GO 3279 Hoeijmakers       NIRISS SOSS           Archived

    GO 5924 Sing              NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Implementation

    ERS 1366 Batalha          NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    ERS 1366 Batalha          NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    ERS 1366 Batalha          NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    ERS 1366 Batalha          NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    DD 2783 Powell            MIRI LRS              Archived

    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 3969 Espinoza          NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

    GO 5924 Sing              NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Implementation

    GO 2113 Espinoza          NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Implementation

    GO 3712 Cubillos          NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    FlightReady
    GO 3712 Cubillos          MIRI LRS              FlightReady
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    GTO 1177 Greene           MIRI LRS              Archived
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRCAM GRISMR+F322W2  Archived
    GTO 1185 Greene           NIRCAM GRISMR+F444W   Archived
    GTO 1201 Lafreniere       NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

WASP-94 A:
    GO 3154 Ahrer             NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived
    GO 5924 Sing              NIRISS SOSS           FlightReady

    COM 2734 Pontoppidan      NIRISS SOSS           Archived
    GO 4082 Radica            NIRSPEC BOTS+G395H    Archived

WD 1856+534:
    GO 2358 MacDonald         NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2358 MacDonald         NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2358 MacDonald         NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2358 MacDonald         NIRSPEC BOTS+PRISM    Archived
    GO 2507 Vanderburg        NIRSPEC BOTS+G395M    Archived
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